Are you a parent who cares about preserving parental rights, protecting the quality of education in America, and respecting the foundation of freedom and liberty on which our country was founded?

If so, then WokePA is for you. We are a fast-growing organization dedicated to fighting for the survival of LIBERTY and empowering parents to defend their parental rights at all levels of government. Our goal is to expand into every community in America—and we need your help.

Join us!

We are a grassroots organization that believes in the power of ordinary Americans to make a difference in their communities. Our members come from all backgrounds and walks of life, but we all share one belief: parental rights are sacred and must be protected at all costs.

Our chapters across the country are doing amazing work to support our children’s future, and many go above and beyond in their fight for what’s right. But their core responsibility is to act as a watchdog over their local school boards and school libraries. They do this by holding regular monthly meetings where they discuss board agendas, votes, and actions. Chapters rally members to attend school board meetings, speak up, and take an active role in supporting their schools.

Requirements for a Chapter.

What is the Cost?

What’s my next Step?

What not to do?