Wokepa.com pays forumpa-pn.org to host our webpage. Multiple parents created this page across multiple school districts and counties. We choose not to state who we are out of fear of attacks on our children.
The last person to disagree on a hot-button issue with the radical left was former a School Board Director from Central Bucks and he received threats against his family and his life.
It has been proven that the radical left will go as far as attempted murder such was the case with Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
For press inquiries please contact our team at press@wokepa.com

Gary B
President and Founder
I came up with the concept of woke PA because of the accounts that I had heard all throughout the country of many sexually graphic books being found in school libraries and mainly because a childhood friend of mine suffered terribly at the hands of a close family relative who sexually assaulted them regularly from childhood through early teen years.
For them, learning about the books and their graphic nature being in school libraries was very traumatizing for them.
I figured there were other parents throughout Pennsylvania with similar situations who are not on board with books of this nature or it’s educational value. I felt if I had a way to inform parents and have a safe space for individuals to post any new materials that should be kept out of the hands of school children that I had a duty to provide a vessel. Woke PA needed to be secure because librarians lie about concerned parents’ desire to keep material that is potentially harmful to children. I know there is a case to be made that these books that contain visual and written obscene content can save the life of a child, but I am telling you that because of my friends’ childhood experiences, the exact opposite is true. If my friend read some of the books on the list as a child, I know that they would have made my friend feel helpless and like it is normal to be raped by a family member
or that maybe it’s their fault and lead to suicide. There is nothing normal about anyone sexualizing a child or any innocent minor for that matter.