On October 4, 2021, the U.S. Department of Justice directed the FBI and U.S. Attorneys’ Offices to investigate parents for “harassment, intimidation and threats of violence” against school board members and school employees. This directive is exactly what the National School Board Association (NSBA) requested in a letter to the Biden administration just five days earlier. In that letter, the NSBA wrote that parents were in engaging in “the equivalent of domestic terrorism.”

3 Questions

To gain greater clarity on what this means for parents in your school district, here are some questions to ask your school board:

  1. Are you willing to denounce the letter that the National School Board Association sent to President Biden requesting that he direct federal law enforcement to investigate parents? If you are, have you contacted the National School Board Association (NSBA) to let them know? Have you contacted the U.S. Department of Justice to tell them as well?
  2. Have you seen anything from your constituents that could be described as equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism”? If you have, can you please be specific about what happened and whether or not local/state law enforcement were or were not equipped to handle it?
  3. Can you please tell us how the board and school district define these words?  
    “Intimidation,” Harassment,” and “Threat.”

1 Suggestion

We encourage you to ask the most parent friendly member of your local school board to introduce a resolution in support of parents’ right to free expression under the first amendment, without fear of retribution. 

If that resolution motion does not get a second, or the resolution fails to pass, your elected representatives will now be on record in opposition to parents’ rights at public meetings. 

Good Luck!